Oct 23, 2008

Quiz thingo.

I've seen this quiz out in the intarwebz, so I thought I'd give it a whirl!

Attached or Single? Attached to Aaron

Cake or Pie? Cake ^_^

Day of Choice? Hmm, probably Thursdays.

Essential Item? Coffee or my cellphone

Flavor of Ice Cream? Mint choc chip

Hometown? Keith, South Australia

Indulgences? Breve lattes and cookies

January or July? Ooh. I would have said July ordinarily, being my birth month. But Adelaide was born in January, so it's a toss-up now! As far as weather goes, that depends on whichever hemisphere I'm in!

Kids? Adelaide, nine months old

Middle Name? Jane

Number of Siblings? I have two older sisters, no brothers.

Oranges or Apples? Granny Smith apples.

Phobia or Fear? Spiders, and those big windmill things.

Favorite Quote? "All I have seen makes me trust the Creator for all I have not seen."

Reason to Smile? I believe Pearl Jam said it best - "I'm still alive!"

Season? Australian summers - hot and dry.

Unknown Fact About Me? The idea of being in outer space terrifies me.

Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? I like a lot of vegetarian foods, but I'm omnivorous. Sometimes I gotta have me a big chunk of cow.

Worst Habit? Biting my nails.

Xrays or Ultrasounds? I think ultrasounds are more exciting. You're looking for a beautiful little sign of life; whereas in an x-ray, you're looking for broken bones or fluid on the lungs. Woo.

Your favorite Food? Chocolate.

What is your sign? Cancer.

I tag Erin, Megan and Jen! Go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fullied my duty of being tagged. check it out.