Oct 20, 2008

I'm it!

Being the up-to-date type of gal that I am, I of course missed that last week I was tagged by Sarah! Basically, this entry is going to be me revealing seven random facts about myself. And, well, I'm up for the challenge. Here goes...

1. I have windmill phobia - or at least a severe aversion thereto. Weird, right? But those wind-generator windmill things give me the heebie-jeebies like nothing else. I understand the whole green power thing is good, and I don't object to their reason for existence. I just don't want to be anywhere near them. Even seeing them on TV freaks me out. I can't really explain exactly what it is; I think it's just that they are so huge, even from far away (imagine how much bigger one of those massive blades would be if you were standing right next to it...), and you know they're really loud and bird-killingly destructive, even though they look so serene and peaceful and quiet... ugh. Gives me the shivers.

2. When I was 9, I wanted to be a nun. A real-live nun. I could live in a beautiful convent, we would pray and sing and pray and sing and pray all day, and then I could be sent to be governess to a wealthy navy captain's children, fall in love and become a Baroness.

3. When playing any game of the Mario Bros. franchise, I refuse to be Luigi. He's like the loser cousin of Mario who wants to be cool by association, but he doesn't ever get to hook up with Peach.

4. I never liked Dr. Pepper until only a few months ago. Now I live on the stuff. If you want to know who to blame, that would be Erin. :P

5. I am a self-confessed "name nerd". I'm intensely interested in people's names, how they were named, or what and how they name their children. And I die a little inside when people name their child Aidan or Jaidyn and insist they never heard another person named that, and thought it was really unique.

6. I love the Babysitters Club. I was a huge fan when I was a teenager (when all the 'normal' teenagers were hooking up and getting drunk and being rebellious - I was sitting at home reading BSC while waiting for youth group or church to start - whee !), and still have a collection of the books sitting in our bookshelf next to Douglas Adams and Tolkien and Jane Austen. Pretty sure their very existence makes Aaron die a little inside.

7. My all-time favorite band is Hanson. Ever since MmmBop was released in '97, I've been their #1 fan. I have all their albums (Snowed In and 3CG have gone walkabouts but all the others are firmly in my possession), and I've been to see them live - it was an AWESOME experience. One of my biggest Hanson-related regrets was the fact that I passed up the opportunity to see them in Minneapolis last December. But I was eight months pregnant so it probably wouldn't have been ideal anyway. Sigh.

Alright well there's my seven! Hope you have learned a little something about me today! :)

1 comment:

brentandsarah said...

Awesome! Thanks for playing along! I loved the BSC books growing up, too. Good thing there aren't many wind mills up here.