Nov 19, 2008


A is for age: 25
B is for beer of choice: Well I'm not really big on beer. I'll drink MGD if I have to.
C is for something you crave: Chocolate. All the time.
D is for your dog's name: Not my dog, but my in-laws' dog is named Sophie.
E is for essential item you use everyday: Cellphone. I iz lame.
F is for favorite TV show at the moment: The Simpsons, as always.
G is for favorite game: Mario Kart Wii
H is for Home town: Keith, South Australia
I is for instruments you play: Piano and guitar.
J is for favorite juice: Anything with mango in it.
K is for kickin ass: I... don't understand the question. But I'd prefer my ass not be kicked.
L is for last place you ate: In the car?
M is for marriage: I am married, to a lovely chap named Aaron <3
N is for your full name: Susan Jane Plein, nee Eckert
O is for overnight hospital stays: I was in hospital for three days when Adelaide was born, back in January.
P Is For favorite place: With my hubby and baby.
Q is for quote: "All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for that which I have not seen."
R is for biggest regret: Not having a lawyer or attorney to handle all this immigration crap I've been going through. Would have been so much easier.
S is for status: Marital, social, Facebook? Well I'm married, my social status I guess would be like... working class? And my Facebook status refers to the fact that I know what ozone smells like (long story).
T is for time you woke up today: 7ish?
U is for underwear you have on now: Hanes with zig-zag patterns - woo!
V is for vegetable you love: Peas.
W is for worst habit: Biting my nails and chewing on my cuticles. Don't ever look at my fingertips.
X is for x-rays you've had: A few for my arm, one or two for my teeth when I was younger, and some of my lungs when I had my physical exam for my visa.
Y is for yummy food you ate today: Cookies and cream Hershey's <3
Z is for the zodiac sign: Cancer.

Tag time! Erin, Megan, Sarah and Kez! Go forth and complete your own!! :)

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