Sep 8, 2008

Where's Summer B.

Isn't it strange how you can be so thrilled and so depressed about a single event? As far as my job goes, I'm so thrilled that summer is over. Now I just have to wait for my summer bonus check, then I can tell Subway to shove it. But I'm so depressed that summer's over. We were still getting light snow flurries in April. And it's now September and summer is over. WTF?!?! And it seems there's such a stark contrast between the seasons here. Autumn (excuse me, fall) and spring hardly seem to exist. You get fall or spring weather for maybe a few weeks, and that's it. It's so dang depressing. Like, two or three weeks ago, we were sweltering in the high 80s and lower 90s. Now, we're lucky if we get to 70, and the sweaters and blankies have been brought back out. We're going to turn on the heat in a week or two, for crying out loud!

Dear Minnesota,

What's up with your weather?! Please make it, y'know, not suck.



But aside from that, things are going okay. Like I said up there ^ I'm really looking forward to being able to quit Subway. I think I've worked one shift over the past fortnight, and I couldn't care less. They've stopped doing the shorter 4-7 afternoon shift, which was really good for me because it meant I was available virtually every day if I wanted to be. But now that we're going back to winter hours, that shift is no longer available. I'm calling my manager today to see what's going on though, because I'm apparently not on the next two weeks of the roster - as in, my name isn't even on it at all. I don't mind if they give me no shifts, but it looks like they're acting like I'm not even there at all anymore. I've been told conflicting things about when the bonus check is meant to arrive - one person told me it arrives today (ie. the 7th) and someone else told me it arrives in two weeks (ie. on the 22nd). I'm seriously hoping it arrives today, so then I can get it and say "well you know what? If I'm not even on the roster, what's the point of me hanging around?"

Don't get me wrong - I'm really not pissed off anymore. To be perfectly honest, I have no feelings for them whatsoever, and I don't mean that in a sad, negative, resigned kinda way. I literally am indifferent. Subway gives me no shifts - eh, whatever.

As for Lakes Latté? It's still going swimmingly, and I'm just totally in love with it. My coworker and I have decided we need to do a mockumentary: "A Day In The Life Of Lakes Latté" -- you know the movie Empire Records? That's kinda how it feels working at Lakes. It's friendly, it's awesome, and most of the time it hardly even feels like work. And to capture that kind of atmosphere on film would be, as the French say, le wicked. (Well I don't think the French actually say that, but you get me.)

My little baby ain't so little anymore. It's kinda scary to think about. She's almost eight months old - EIGHT MONTHS OLD!! Boy howdy, the time has flown. She's still yet to break any teeth through, except for that one teeny glimmer of a canine, but she's moving. And boy is she moving! She crawls like a pro now, except when she's wearing feety pyjama, and she pulls herself up on tables and chairs or whatever else she can use. She likes to yabber too - "da da da da DA DA DA DAAAAAAA. AAAAAAAAH da da da daDADADADADADD! Ahh *thbbbt*. BUH buh buh buh NANANANANA." She's recently started saying "mama" but it's usually when she's sleepy or grumpy. Or when she's meant to be trying to sleep and I'm on the laptop here in our room. I'll hear "*scuffle scuffle scuffle* MAMAMAMAMAAAAaaaamam. Mamamamam." and then I know she's gotten out of her swaddle, is standing up by holding onto the bars of her crib, and is looking at me. Before she started saying "mama", I would usually just let her yammer on til she got bored and went to sleep, but I hate to refuse to recognise her now that she's actually calling to me specifically!

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